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Customized Agate Screen

Customized Agate Screen

2014年沙雅瑪精選一批質感品項都不錯的巴西瑪瑙切片,每一塊不論是型態、顏色、花樣都有其獨特美感。除了獨立的展示立架之外,也會成組製作為室內擺飾用屏風。所有的做工全部在清邁由藝術工匠所完成,每一片瑪瑙都巧妙地被鐵條依照形狀小心圍繞,創造出百看不厭的視覺效果。以90-180公分的屏風而言,確認後大約需要2-3個月的時間完成,包含設計、與委託人以及工匠的溝通、運送(因運送地點以及運送方式時間有所不同)。歡迎洽詢:+886 2 27521398


In 2014 Samyama invested in a group of beautiful agate slices from Brazil. Each piece was selected for its beauty of form, pattern and color. Besides mounting each agate slice as individual works of art some of the agates slices have also been grouped together for use to making attractive screens for home decoration. These screens are all handmade with cast iron in Chiangmai, where trained artists work the iron rods till they carefully wrap around each agate according to their different shapes.  All the agate slices are thoughtfully and carefully spaced so that they become a work of art with a stunning visual balance that is forever satisfying to look at. The time required to make each screen around the size of 90 x 180 cm is around 2 to 3 months and the price is negotiable. Each screen will first be designed for approval before making. Shipping to your country and residence is also available. We welcome all inquiries while the stock of our agate slices lasts. Contact us: +886 2 27521398

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